BitTorrent download

BitTorrent скачать

On our website you may have already found an article about uTorrent program. It would be unfair not to make an article about its “brother”, practically a twin - BitTorrent. In fact, these clients are practically twins. Only the name, interface color and some minor features differ.

However, there must be something strikingly different about them that forces users to distinguish uTorrent from BitTorrent?

In fact, the only difference we could note is that BitTorrent is updated more frequently. This means that stable operation is maintained much more often than is the case with uTorrent. uTorrent developers, on the contrary, prefer to install updates in large packages.

You just need to choose one of them. Perhaps you like purple - then choose BitTorrent. If you like green, download muTorrent. Jokes aside, and since we are talking about a “purple” client, BitTorrent fulfills its role perfectly. You can download it absolutely free, but there is also a Pro version for $19,95 per year, which offers the user automatic virus protection, a built-in media player, converting files for various devices, secure access to your files from any device, as well as advanced download capabilities in the background without interfering with the network in other programs. Below, as usual, you can download BitTorrent for free, or purchase the Pro version. Download BitTorrent from the official developer website
February 23, 2015 3
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  1. Elina
    20 July 2017 16: 17
    how how how to download!!!!!!!!
  2. Kait.15
    21 July 2017 15: 54
    Elina, at the end of this article there is a link to the official website of the developer.
  3. Shaty
    5 December 2023 09: 56
    Bittorent is not a bad program, but I like torrent better.