Converting documents to PDF format
Of course, due to their individuality, each user uses different programs for reading electronic documents. And, probably, we all use different formats for such documents. But be that as it may, we can name the most popular formats of electronic documents. Portable Document Format is one of the most popular today. Surely many users have guessed what format is hidden behind these long words. Of course, this is a PDF electronic document format. Today there are a huge variety of formats for viewing documents presented in this format. But today we will not talk about such programs.
If you are a “fan” of the PDF format, then you would probably like to convert all electronic document formats into this format. It can be done. You just need to use a special program.
The doPDF program is just such a program. This program is a virtual PDF printer. Well, with the help of this program you can convert document formats to PDF. Why is the program called a virtual PDF printer? This is because after installing it, a new virtual printer actually appears on your computer.
The operating principle of the doPDF program is very simple. Almost all users know how to send a document for printing. Everything is the same here. Let's say you opened Word document and want to convert it to PDF. You need to do a couple of simple steps: click on the “Print” item in the document, select the doPDF virtual printer and specify the path to save the document. After this, the PDF file will be created. You can open it in any appropriate program.
The advantages of the program include its simplicity, free distribution, and the fact that it works on almost all Windows operating systems. It is worth noting that the program has two interface languages, namely Russian and English. In order to convert various electronic documents to PDF format, it is not necessary to use a bunch of different programs. It is enough to install the doPDF program.
Download doPDF for free
Download the program from the official website