Dedicated server. Where to rent?

Dedicated servers serve a precisely defined purpose. The server is designed for one network service or several constantly running services. With dedicated hosting, the equipment is provided to only one client. Shared hosting, on the other hand, combines many individual websites on one physical (hardware) server. A dedicated server is recommended if the web project requires the appropriate resources provided by the corresponding server. However, the most significant are the Internet connection, processor performance and RAM size. It is because these resources are not allocated that the affected project has enough reserves. These reserves are needed when there are so many hits happening at once and the server must not only browse the web, but also handle multiple database queries and computational overhead at the same time. 

Are servers hardware or software? What is a server good for? And in general: what is a server? If you've ever secretly wondered about all of this before, you're in the right place! In our guide, in addition to defining servers, you will find many other explanations of common server types and the client-server model. Let's start with the big server multiplication table!


Definition: What is a server?

The term server comes from the English verb to serve. So, in essence, a server is nothing more than a servant that provides a variety of resources. Depending on what resources or resources are used. Functions are like this, the server has a specific name. For example, when we send an email, it only works because of the mail server.

Let's briefly summarize the basic quick facts about servers:

  • There is no server. Initially, “server” meant hardware in the form of a calculator. Meanwhile, various software programs are also considered servers.
  • Servers are ready to work around the clock. That's why even at 4 o'clock in the morning on sleepless nights you can kill time on VKontakte, Instagram and Classmates. or send an email.
  • The server, as a service provider, always waits for requests from the so-called client. For example, if you want to print a document from a laptop, your computer is the client. It sends the required data as a request to the printer server, which then issues the print command.

That the respective servers do what they should is based on the principle of data transfer. This, as I said, happens between the client and the server.

Client-server model: what is a client?

A client is - very roughly speaking - a program or device that instructs the server to execute a command. This client can be something like a web browser that we use to surf the Internet. Of course, but the server software communicates not only with one client, but with many clients at the same time. You as a user/user usually gain nothing from this (unless the server is overloaded etc.).

actively makes a request
answers this request

Depending on what function you want to deal with (email traffic, browsing, saving files, game, ...), the connection between the client and the server expires according to a specific protocol. These two must speak the same language, so to speak.

How to rent such a service?

Dedicated servers for rent and at discounted prices are available in DataHata!
Good server hosting doesn't have to be expensive. At the same time, always find a suitable dedicated root server in the Data Hata data center, according to link. If you want to run a server for a mail server, database server or web server or just want to back up your data on the Internet, using a cheap root server from hosting will not be a problem. Dedicated servers, offered simultaneously as root servers, allow you to quickly implement your desired platform and control your data at the same time. Servers are located exclusively in data processing centers on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the city of Minsk. Quickly deploying your server will allow you to start surfing the Internet right away on a dedicated server.

Here you will find our offers to rent dedicated servers and, most importantly, at reasonable prices directly from the provider.

January 11, 2022 5
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  1. Stason
    5 December 2023 16: 06
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  2. Tulip
    5 December 2023 22: 28
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  4. Basketball
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  5. Filimon
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