How to increase Internet speed on a computer?

Today, Internet speeds for a computer are quite high. Surely many users have an Internet connection with a speed of at least 20 megabits per second. By global standards, this is not the highest speed, but it is enough for many things. For example, watching movies, playing an online game, communicating on social networks - this Internet speed is enough for all this. But there are also users whose Internet speed is low. And it’s not hard to guess that many of these users are wondering: how to increase Internet speed? Let's try to understand this issue. Is it even possible to increase Internet speed? And if it is possible, then how much?
If you decide to try to increase your Internet speed, then you should immediately know that you will not “jump” above the speed set by your provider. Therefore, it is wise to first check with the documents that indicate your internet speed, and only then take any action.
After checking the speed in the documents, you can proceed to the next step, namely checking the speed using special services. Believe me, you won’t be able to determine the exact speed of your Internet connection. An excellent service for checking the speed of your Internet connection online is the speed test website.
In order to use the Russian version of this site, you just need to follow the link All you need to do is click on the “Start verification” button. After this, you just need to wait for the results and then take any action.
If your Internet connection speed results are lower than stated by your provider, then you can do the following. First, completely restart your Internet connection. If you have a Wi-Fi router, turn it off and reboot. In some cases this may help.
Again if you use Wi-Fi router, then you can check for conflicting signals. Your cordless phone or wireless camera may be interfering with your router. This will cause your internet speed to be slower than it should be. By the way, conflicting signals may occur if the same radiotelephone operates on the same frequency as the router.
Internet speed may also drop due to the fact that you have exhausted your traffic allowance. This option applies more to modems, since traffic quotas are set on them. In this case, the speed problem can be solved. For example, on a modem from MTS you can connect so-called “turbo buttons”. Such buttons provide a certain amount of traffic for a limited time.
Again, let's return to the case when a Wi-Fi router is used. Most often, this Internet connection is used by all household members. And in most cases, the router divides the entire Internet speed limit equally into each individual device connected to it. Accordingly, if the speed of your Internet connection is 21 megabits per second and 3 devices are connected to the Wi-Fi router, then there are 7 megabits per device. If you do not have enough speed on any device in this case, then disable the most unnecessary things and the speed on other devices will increase.
Slow Internet can be caused by: computer viruses. Therefore, if your Internet connection speed has decreased, then first of all scan your computer for viruses and malware, for example, using Dr.Web CureIt utilities.
By the way, even a browser can reduce the speed of your Internet connection (if it is used to surf the Internet). For example, if you have a lot of add-ons installed in your browser, you can remove the unnecessary ones. Or just change the browser itself. It can also improve your internet speed. By the way, clear your browser cache and cookies from time to time. Both the first and second can negatively affect the operation of the browser, and, accordingly, the speed of the Internet.
A few more words can be said about browsers. Surely many have noticed that when you visit various sites, advertisements that you don’t need appear on them. This also affects internet speed. Anti-advertising browser extensions can help you here, for example: AdBlock.
It is also worth checking running programs. Some programs (that consume traffic) turn on automatically when the computer starts. Agree that such programs are not always needed in your work. Therefore, in this situation, it would be wise to close these programs and also disable their startup. Disable startup programs can be found in the task manager. If we summarize everything written above, we can come to the conclusion that Internet speed largely depends on the provider. Other factors affecting Internet speed do not reduce this speed that much.