Adblock Plus 2.7

To keep your website on the Internet, you regularly need to spend money, otherwise such a huge number of websites simply would not exist. Website owners understand this and in order to have at least some income, they install advertising on the pages of their website. But sometimes such advertising only bothers users, especially when the banner appears on the entire page and cannot be closed.
AdBlock Plus is a small plugin, extension for your browser, which allows block intrusive ads on the websites you visit. This module uses lists of rules that tell it which ads to block and which ones not to block. In addition, you can configure what should be blocked and what should be left. Among other functions of the extension is blocking user tracking.
To install this extension for Google Chrome, you need to go to the Chrome Web Store. It's done like this. Find the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” icon in the upper right part of the browser. Click and go to the "Tools -> Extensions" section. Scroll to the end of the list and click on the “More extensions” link.
Here we are in the extension store. Type “AdBlock Plus” in the search, press Enter and to the right of the desired extension, click “Install”. The ad blocker is now installed.
Adblock Opera
Press the key combination CTRL+Shift+E and we are in the extensions section. Click “Add extension” and type in the search AdBlock Plus. Select the desired add-on and click "Add to Opera". Done, anti-advertising for Opera installed. You can configure the plugin in the extensions section.
Adblock Firefox
Go to the "Add-ons" section by pressing CTRL+Shift+A or finding this section in the browser menu. Enter our module into the search and opposite the desired add-on, click “Install”. The plugin will download and install itself in Firefox. If you have a different browser, try searching for this plugin in your app store if it exists.
As you can see, the installation is very simple, everything is done in the browser. It will be much easier to install from the official website. Just go to and you will be offered an extension specifically for your browser. Happy surfing!