How to view history on a computer?

Как посмотреть историю на компьютере?

Surely many users would like to know the following: what did you do on the computer while you were away? This question can be formulated in another way: how to view the history of actions on a computer? Perhaps someone will look for an analogy with browsers, but you won’t be able to view history on a computer the same way as in a web browser. The history of a computer is a rather broad concept, so to speak, since history refers to correspondence, a list of running programs, and much more. Let's try to understand this issue. There are several ways to view your computer's activity history. Let's start with third-party programs.

If you want to track the history of activities on your computer, you can use spyware to do this. Such programs are also called keyloggers. This type of program is capable of monitoring all actions occurring on your computer at any given time.

It is also worth noting that some programs of this type also have additional functions. For example, some keyloggers can track any correspondence conducted from a computer. There are also keyloggers that can take screenshots of your screen at specified intervals.

What can be said about this method? There are a lot of spyware programs today, but most of them are paid. If you nevertheless decide to use this method in order to view the history on the computer, then you will not have any particular difficulties. All you need to do is download, install, and then set the program to the settings you need. By the way, on our website you can download a spy program called Ardamax Keylogger.

If you want to view the history of running programs, you can do this as follows. You need to go to the menu "Компьютер"and open drive C there. After that, look for and open the folder"Windows". Here you need to find and go to the folder "prefetch". This folder contains information about the applications that were open on your computer.

Agree that any person working at a computer most often types some characters in the process of this work. That is, it turns out that you can view the history of the typed characters that were typed from your computer. Good for these purposes Punto Switcher program. This program automatically switches the keyboard layout.

How can Punto Switcher help? This program has a diary in which the characters entered are recorded. Using this diary, you can track the characters entered on your computer while you are away. You can also download this program from our website.

You can also view your computer's history through standard operating system tools. If you are using Windows OS, then you need to go to the control panel of your computer. Then here find the item "Administration", Then "View events"and at the end of everything select the item"Windows logs". After this, you will be taken to the menu shown in the screenshot below.
Как посмотреть историю на компьютере?

Information in the Windows Event Log gives some insight into what was being done on your computer at a particular point in time. But as you can see from the screenshot, such information is not very clear. As you already understand, the history of the computer includes many different aspects. The most optimal and convenient way to view your computer's history is to use a keylogger program.
January 14, 2015 2
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  1. Virtues
    April 3 2017 13: 54
    through the JETLOGGER program you can track all activity on your computer) it even sends reports by email
  2. Shaty
    5 December 2023 17: 06
    Now I’ll throw a link to this article in the work chat. Let them learn to clean up after themselves on their work computer.