Shockwave flash has crashed error - how to fix it in Yandex browser?

Ошибка Shockwave flash has crashed - как исправить в яндекс браузере?

What are web browsers used for today? Of course, for different purposes. But most often, users use browsers to watch videos, movies, listen to music, play online games and do other similar things. By the way, many browsers have in common the fact that they contain Flash and Shockwave players. Such players are needed to play, for example, flash games. Flash and Shockwave are multimedia players. Many users Google Chrome browser You're probably familiar with the "Shockwave flash has crashed" error. Shockwave flash is player from the famous company Adobe. And as you already understand, thanks to this player you can work with flash applications. For the Google Chrome browser, a method for fixing this error has already been discussed on our website. Today we will try to figure out the following question: what to do if an error appears in the Yandex browser "Shockwave flash has crashed".

Update your browser:
It may be enough to update yourself Yandex browser and the problem disappears, because all used modules are updated along with the browser. Especially if you have an old version.

Do not forget that such an error may be a one-time occurrence. Therefore, you can simply restart your browser. It is also recommended to reinstall your browser. Although these are primitive actions, they often help. Even if you have a problem of this nature not with the Yandex browser, you should first take these 2 simple steps.

If the above steps did not help, then you need to do differently. First you will need to go to the menu "Modules". In the Yandex browser this is done like this. Click on the icon "Setting" (it is in the upper right corner).
Ошибка Shockwave flash has crashed - как исправить в яндекс браузере?

After that, scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on the item "Show additional settings".

Now we are looking for the block "Protection of personal data"and in it click on the item"Nastroyki soderzhimogo". It looks like this.

A new window will open, which you need to scroll through until you find the item "Plug-ins". Here you need to click on the sub-item "Management of individual modules". After completing all the steps indicated above, you will be taken to the menu "Plug-ins". And here we are looking for a module"Adobe Flash Player". Before doing this, in the upper right corner of the window, click on the plus sign next to the item "Details". Now let's move on to Adobe Flash Player.

From the screenshot you can see that the elements of this module are enabled and work in the Yandex browser. The way it is. The "Shockwave flash has crashed" error could occur because Adobe Flash Player elements were not enabled. So you need to check this and enable them if necessary.

There are also situations when the “Shockwave flash has crashed” error appears due to a failure in the automatic update of the module. If this is so, then in this menu you will see an inscription opposite the module with similar content "Download the required update". All you need is to click on this inscription. The Yandex browser is very easy to manage and use. It would seem that the complex error “Shockwave flash has crashed” is solved in it quite quickly.
February 19, 2016 5
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  1. 2433
    6 October 2015 14: 39
  2. Irina K
    Irina K
    6 February 2016 21: 11
    Thanks for the info. We managed to fix everything thanks to you.
  3. Nicholas
    7 August 2016 13: 38
    The same crap doesn't help. Only in Mozilla there are no problems, but I'm not used to it
  4. Kait.15
    8 August 2016 11: 24
    Nikolay, did you perform a complete reinstallation of the browser? Flash Player is built into Yandex Browser, so, as a rule, after a complete reinstallation the problem is resolved.
  5. toy bonnie
    5 September 2016 09: 35
    Thanks for the help! I dealt with the error a long time ago :)!