How to number rows in a Microsoft Excel table?

Как пронумеровать строки в таблице Microsoft Excel?

When a user hears the name of the Microsoft company, he automatically remembers two software products that were created by it. This is, of course, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Excel. We have repeatedly considered issues that were associated with both one and another product. Today we will look at a question that concerns the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor.

The question is: how to number rows in a Microsoft Excel table? It seems like a fairly simple question, but not everything is so simple. Unlike the Microsoft Office text editor, Microsoft Excel does not have automatic numbering. But nevertheless, there is still a way to number the lines here.

So, in order to quickly number the lines in Excel table you need to do the following. Let's say you already have the first rows in the table numbered. You need to highlight them until the last numbered line. Then move the cursor over the lower right border of the last numbered cell until the cursor turns into a neat black plus sign.

Hold the cursor in this position with the left mouse button and drag it down. You will see that automatic line numbering will begin. Drag the cursor to the number you need. It all looks something like this:

Once you stop and release the cursor, all lines will be numbered. Moreover, the numbering will be ordered. This is exactly what we need.

There are several other ways to number rows in an Excel table, but this one is the fastest and easiest.

October 05, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    6 December 2023 18: 31
    Thanks for the tip. Excel is so difficult to work with.