Scissors program for Windows 7

Программа ножницы для Windows 7

There are a variety of methods you can use to take screenshots. These include standard tools of the Windows operating system and various third-party programs. We'll talk about the standard tools of the Windows 7 operating system. The Scissors program is just one of these standard utilities. The Scissors program comes with the operating system. Let's figure out where it is. First of all, go to the menu "Start". After this you need to select the item "The programs" and then "Standard". It is in the last menu that the Scissors program is located.

With this standard program you can take a variety of screenshots. If you compare this program with other similar ones, it is far from the best, but it is extremely convenient. If for some reason you don’t have the Scissors program on your computer, you won’t be able to download it separately. But don’t despair, as our website reviews many different quality programs for creating screenshots.
October 18, 2015 3
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  1. Christina
    19 February 2016 18: 51
    no download button
  2. Kait.15
    19 February 2016 22: 31
    Correct, because There is no link provided for the standard tool. Look for it on your computer.
  3. Shaty
    6 December 2023 19: 42
    I even checked now whether they are on my seven. Actually there is)