How to screenshot a computer screen

Как скринить экран компьютера

The Internet is full of software designed exclusively for this purpose, namely for taking screenshots. In the world of information technology, a screenshot is briefly called a screenshot.

Let's take a photo...
You can take a screenshot using standard operating system tools. Just find the key on the keyboard PrtScr. By clicking on it, nothing happens externally, but in fact a screenshot is taken and placed on the clipboard. It's easy to get it out of there. To do this, open the graphic editor and click the “Insert” button in it (or hotkey combination Ctrl+V). Well, then we save the screenshot as an image in the selected folder. When taking a screenshot once, this method will be very useful, but if you need to take pictures constantly, then it is better to install special software that will simplify your work. So, what programs have proven themselves among computer users?

FastStone Capture
And one of the most popular is FastStone Capture program. Download, install, launch. A small window opens where you can find several buttons. The first of them takes a screenshot of the entire screen and automatically opens it in the editor. Then we do with it what we want. The second button takes a screenshot of only the selected window and also opens it in the editor. The next button will take a snapshot of the selected area of ​​the screen. You can make the selection of the screen area arbitrary.

It is also possible to make a video recording of the screen, which is very convenient. The pictures taken can not only be output to the editor, but also copied to the clipboard. As you can see, the program is convenient, free, and easy to customize.

Another popular program for taking screenshots on the Internet is Joxy utility. We perform the same steps, that is, download, install and launch. The program icon appears in the tray. Click, we see a window where we select the desired action: take a screenshot of the entire screen or a section of the screen. The photo opens in the editor, where you can change it however you want.

A special feature of this program is the fact that when you click on the “Send” button, the picture is sent to the website, and a link to this image is saved to the clipboard. This will further simplify not only the process of creating a photo, but also sending it over the network to the right person. In addition to these products, there are a lot of analogues on the Internet that can facilitate the process of creating screenshots. Test and try, the choice of program is yours.
11 March, 2014 6
Enter the code below:*
Click on the image to update the code if it is illegible
  1. tolyan_66
    April 17 2014 14: 53
    But I liked ScreenCapture.
  2. Sergei
    April 17 2014 15: 11
    tolyan_66, what exactly did you like about ScreenCapture?
  3. prairie wolf
    April 28 2014 10: 50
    Whenever I buy online, I always take a screenshot using PrintScr, paste it into Paint and send it...much more convenient than writing down the time, date, etc.
  4. Nastya
    18 November 2023 16: 21
    Very often you need to save useful information on the Internet, from cooking to breakdowns, very interesting 
  5. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 14: 22
    And I was wondering what kind of set of letters this is on the keyboard. Now it is clear. 
  6. Shaty
    1 December 2023 14: 15
    So that's what these strange letters are for. I thought it was some kind of code, but this screenshot turns out to be an abbreviation. What a joke!