WPS Connect program

Firstly, such phones can be purchased for not too high a cost. And secondly, modern smartphones based on Android are highly multifunctional. It is not difficult to guess that today there are a lot of programs created for these phones. And today we will talk about one interesting program for this category of phones. The program is called WPS Connect. The main purpose of this program is to help you connect to Wi-Fi networksthat have WPS enabled. Using the WPS Connect application, you can check the vulnerability of the router, for example, if it has a standard password.
You can also check your router using this program. If the program can easily guess the password, then it is recommended to change the password on your router.
Well, it’s easy to guess that using the WPS Connect program you can select passwords for closed Wi-Fi access points. Working with the program is very simple. You need to launch it, and then wait until it displays a list of wireless connections. After that, click on any network and the program begins to guess the password. You can download the WPS Connect program directly from our website. But do not forget that the percentage of successful password guessing for this program is small.
Download WPS Connect for free
Download the program from the official website