What is a smartphone?

Что такое смартфон?

Smartphone is an advanced or smart phone. (<smart phone (Phone)). In other words, this is a phone with a wide range of features. As it became clear from this term, a smartphone is the same phone, just with some visual and system improvements. Now we will try to look at the main things that distinguish smartphones from regular phones. The main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone

• External characteristics. The dimensions of any smartphone usually exceed its dimensions. But, despite the fact that microelectronics is developing at a fairly high speed, this difference is becoming increasingly blurred;

• Screen size. The screen size of smartphones has always exceeded the dimensions of a telephone. Even if both devices were released at the same time;

• Functionality. The smartphone has a fairly large number of unique functions. The same cannot be said about regular mobile phones. After all, the tasks themselves that are posed to a telephone and a smartphone are fundamentally different. The main function of the phone is voice calls. And the smartphone will have to be, although not full-fledged, but close to a PDA (pocket computer).

But besides the above differences, the main difference is the following:

A smartphone is a mobile phone that runs on special software. Today this is iOS (Apple), Android, Windows, Symbian.

In other words, in order for a mobile phone to call itself a smartphone, it needs to reconfigure itself to an operating system (one of the above). But it can’t be done that easily. Using a specific OS, the owner of such a smartphone is given the opportunity not only to download and use programs from other developers, but also to create different programs for his device himself.

OS capabilities should not be confused with the usual ability to download a Java application on your phone. Java technology is not an operating system. It is a virtual machine that can run under control. That's all. We looked at what smartphones are and how they differ from telephones. Many thought that there were no significant differences, but such people were mistaken. In general, I hope that this article will be useful to you. And in the future, you will easily be able to distinguish a good smartphone from an ordinary phone.
November 25, 2014 6
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  1. Yana I
    Yana I
    20 November 2023 14: 49
    Good article! All my life I have only used a smartphone, I like it better
  2. ahhlov
    2 December 2023 20: 57
    wonderful article! Thanks a lot
  3. qwe45
    3 December 2023 17: 49
    very useful, learned all the functionality of the phone 
  4. Shaty
    3 December 2023 21: 00
    Some smartphones aren't really that smart. 
  5. DeSvErTi
    4 December 2023 22: 59
    I think now everyone knows what a smartphone is and what to do with it