Anonymous link services

Сервисы анонимных ссылок

Recently, many users have thought about their anonymity on the Internet. Indeed, when any site can trace where you came from, it becomes a little unsettling. And anonymous link services come to the rescue. In this review we will look at several anonymizer services, which allow you to create anonymous links. They all work great in popular browsers.

Still takes first place , it has the greatest demand for server-side anonymous links among many users of the RuNet. Its interface is ordinary gray, but what gives it a special touch is a package with a question on the person. Do you already understand what this means? A means excellent hiding from everyone, going unnoticed and unseen. With such a service, you can generate a link perfectly, and you will not noticeably climb. Enter the link through which you want to enter secretly, then click the create button, and then the link already created by the server appears. And now copy the resulting link and paste it onto your page. Its usefulness does not end there, since this server can still perform auto-generation. Second place The site is still young, but has gained popularity very quickly. A more simplified site where you quickly understand what needs to be done. The interface has pleasant colors, and its sandy tone is pleasing to the eye. But still, the most remarkable thing is that such a site is different from others, and on it you will not find advertising when you click on the link, and it has the smallest wait of all, not much 3 seconds. Agree, it is very convenient. It's no different anymore.

The third place is taken by the site - Such a server is considered analogue, since everything is similar to other servers. Like anything else, it can have link generation. Even its generation process is similar to the first server.

Fourth place, if you still haven’t been hooked by other sites, then this one can take you with its pleasant gamma of the site, the contrast of gray and yellow, and not only. Nothing special has the same form of generating your links, making them anonymous. Just put the desired link in the program, then click the anonymous link button. And you insert the link wherever it is needed and disappear invisible to everyone. The services offered are quite easy to use. In most cases, it is enough to add the address of the desired site to the end of the service address. Enjoy it for your health.
19 March, 2014 2
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 14: 49
    Not a bad selection. I like the service the most
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 14: 28
    I liked from the article. Although it is considered an analogue, it seems to me that the site is faster than the others from the selection.