Free anonymizers on VKontakte

Бесплатные анонимайзеры ВКонтакте

Unfortunately, the popularization of this social network has led to an increase in the number of scammers on the Internet. The virus presented by these scammers, getting onto the user’s computer, replaces the hosts file, and as a result of this, the person’s VKontakte page becomes “blocked by the administration.”

Another case. Many employers block access to social networks. So you have to get out. For example, in addition to anonymizers, you can use another account; you can purchase it by following this link

If you don’t know how to work with hosts, then anonymizer VKontakte definitely at your fingertips! The anonymizer is designed to check for blocking. Thanks to the development of science, programs and computer Internet tools, there is a great abundance of anonymizers, which, in addition, are easy, and at the same time, effective to use. However, be careful that such services are official and not clones, and be especially careful when entering personal data.

So, now we will give an example of the main and one of the most effective anonymizers for a social network, especially for VKontakte, which you have limited access to.
In fact, this anonymizer is one of the most famous in Russia. It is easy to use and also works quite quickly. Using this site means entering the address of the desired site in the name line, and clicking Go.
Also, another fast and effective anonymizer, the interface is similar to But there is one drawback to this anonymizer, which is that its operating speed is actually slightly lower than that of the first described anonymizer.

But the big and obvious advantage of this anonymizer is that this site has a “Question-Answer” section, and even has a feedback function with developers.

These factors are favorable for easy work with this anonymizer, significantly reducing the user’s concerns about an allegedly blocked page on VKontakte.
Just like the previous two anonymizers, it is a well-known project in Russia. It differs from and in that it has many settings.

The most notable are:
- server selection;
- domain encryption;
- blocking ad servers;
- setting up quick shortcuts;
- Internet speed test.

This site works especially well with VKontakte, Yandex and Google.

January 06, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    1 December 2023 21: 02
    I haven’t heard of VK anonymizers before. Seriously, not even once. Now I will try a selection from the article. At first glance it sounds interesting.