What is the AwesomiumProcess.exe process?

Что представляет собой процесс AwesomiumProcess.exe

The .exe extension means that the file is executable. It is not difficult to guess that if you are going to run such a file, then it must be checked. Scanning is necessary, since malware is often disguised as such files. Today we will tell you about the AwesomiumProcess.exe process. Let us immediately note that this file appears after installing certain games. It will be located in your game folder. The main purpose of this file is the functions of the game browser. That is, while in the game, you will be able to view pages leading to the Internet.

Most often this file is found in the WOT game. The AwesomiumProcess.exe file does not add anything criminal to the game. And also according to the responses of many users, some deterioration in computer performance After installation this file was not observed. AwesomiumProcess.exe is a safe process. But it is only safe if it is in the game folder. If you find it elsewhere on your computer, then without a doubt delete it, as it may be disguised computer virus.
January 13, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 58
    There may be a malicious program hiding under this file. So it is better not to download files from exe