Is Wuauclt.exe a useful file or a virus program?

Wuauclt.exe - полезный файл или вирусная программа?

There are many similar files in the Windows operating system. Most often, each such process has a specific purpose and is completely safe. But why can you find so many questions related to such processes on the Internet? The fact is that many virus programs can disguise themselves as files with exe extensions. The wuauclt.exe process is no exception. First, let's talk about the wuauclt.exe process itself. This process is a system one in Windows and has a specific purpose. Automatic updating of the operating system is the main task of the process in question.

If you open the task manager, you will see that the wuauclt.exe process is active. It is not difficult to guess that many viruses disguise themselves as constantly running system processes. Well, if you have doubts about the authenticity of this process, then follow a series of simple steps.

First of all, scan your computer with an antivirus program or healing utility Dr.Web CureIt. Malicious programs masquerading as executable processes are very easily detected and eliminated by antivirus software. And it’s worth remembering that the real wuauclt.exe file will only be located in the system folder of your computer. If you have a file with the same name, but it is located in a different location, then without hesitation, delete it, then scan your computer again and reboot the system. Very often, viruses are disguised as executable files and processes, and the wuauclt.exe process is proof of this. But it is very easy to verify the authenticity of this process.
February 02, 2016 0
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