Create groups in Viber

Social networks, emails, instant messengers and more. Among all these services, there are the most popular ones. For example, such a mobile application as Viber, is used by a huge number of users. In order to use this application you need Mobile Internet and a smartphone. Today we will consider the following question: how to create groups in this mobile application. Actually create a group in Viber application very simple. First of all, launch the application itself and go to the dialog window. Look for an icon at the bottom of the window that will represent multiple users. There is a plus sign next to this icon. Accordingly, click on this icon. It all looks like this:

After this, all your contacts will appear. Check the box next to the ones you want to see in the group you created. As soon as you add all group members, click the button in the upper right corner of the window that says "Finish".

By the way, if you suddenly accidentally add an unnecessary person to a group, you can quickly remove him from it. To do this, click on the photo of this contact and drag it up. If you follow all these simple steps, you will have a created group in the Viber application. All this is done very simply and quickly.