Choosing between a laser or inkjet printer

Выбираем между лазерным или струйным принтером

To solve a narrow range of problems, it is easier to select a printing device. For example, if we are talking about a darkroom or a private photographer purchasing a machine for printing high-quality color photos, then an inkjet printer will be the undisputed “winner,” but for printing a large number of text documents, a laser printing machine will be the clear leader. It is much more difficult to talk about dominance when we are talking about solving universal problems, that is, you need to print both documents and photographs. Features of both types of printers
To begin with, laser printers are devices that use powder ink and come in two types: color and black and white (suitable only for printing texts). Inkjet printers are devices that use liquid ink and are always color. Different models differ in printing technologies (ink composition, minimum droplet size, printing principle), respectively, and in price.

A laser printer turns out to be more reliable in operation, since if an inkjet printer is not used for some time, the ink in it dries out, which leads to serious device malfunction. But with reasonable care of the device (periodic preventive printing of prints once every 1-4 days), this problem does not exist, although the device, which requires constant attention, may not be suitable for everyone.

Differences between inkjet printers and laser printers

You can compare printing devices using various criteria.

For the price of the device.
An inkjet printer is cheaper than its laser counterpart (color printing device). It is advisable to purchase the latter for organizations (for the purpose of reproducing advertising printing).

At the cost of the print.
A laser printer print is cheaper. This is of fundamental importance for large volumes of work, that is, in offices; for home conditions, the savings will not be so noticeable.

In terms of performance.
A laser printer is capable of producing significantly more prints per unit of time and can withstand a greater load than an inkjet printer. Therefore, it is advisable to use the first one in an office environment, when it is necessary to ensure serious flow of printed documents, and the second is suitable for home use.

By functionality.
An inkjet printer can print color photographs, images, and beautifully designed texts, while a laser printer allows you to receive only text documents. Even a more expensive color laser printer does not allow you to print high-quality photos, limiting yourself to color images only. Thus, deciding “which printer is better?” is as problematic as finding the answer to the question “what is better: tea or coffee?” Priorities should be set individually depending on the purpose of purchasing the device, operating conditions and planned material costs.
30 March, 2014 5
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  1. Vladimir
    April 21 2014 02: 22
    I have both an inkjet printer and a laser printer. Laser is definitely better - there is no problem of ink drying out (the powder does not dry). In addition, the cost of one black and white copy for a laser printer is several times lower than for an inkjet printer. As a rule, you need to print much more black and white documents than color ones, so an inkjet printer is not really needed! If there is a need to print photographs, it is easier to do this in a photo studio - fortunately, the cost is low, and the quality is noticeably better.
  2. Michael
    4 May 2014 15: 17
    Hello. Thank you for the article. I have a question: I need a printer only for printing.
    b.w. texts. Recommend the company!

    Thank you.
  3. bobloss
    4 May 2014 18: 36
    Mikhail, take any known one: HP, Canon, etc. For b.w. Sometimes printing speed is important, so look at this point as well.
  4. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 15: 01
    I agree with the author of the article. You must first decide why you need a printer. 
  5. Shaty
    1 December 2023 14: 38
    I absolutely agree. They say that laser is better, but if there is no work for it, then why overpay?