The printer has stopped printing - what should I do?

Принтер перестал печатать - что делать?

Any device can fail over time. Sometimes the device was working just a few minutes ago, and then suddenly stopped working. The same thing can happen with a printer. He might just stop typing. Moreover, it is not clear what caused this phenomenon. If your printer has stopped printing, first check that it has power. Perhaps you simply forgot to turn it on. If everything is fine with this, then check whether it is connected to the computer. If everything is fine with this, then you can check for the presence of paper in it. It would seem impossible not to notice this, but believe me, you can simply forget that the printer is out of paper. After inserting the paper, send the document in the program you are using re-print.

If all physical parameters are normal, then go to the control panel of your computer and go to the menu "Devices and Printers". Here you will need to click on your printer and uncheck (if any) the items"Priostanovite pechat" And "Autonomous communication". Here you need to check the box "Ispolzovat po umolchaniyu".

The problem with the printer not working may also be that the print queue is clogged. In this situation, you need to go to the control panel again, and then go to the menu "Devices and Printers"Here again, click on the printer to which the documents were sent for printing and go to the dialog box"Printer". Here you need to click "Clear print queue" You can also delete the queue that was causing the printer error.

Well, the last possible reason for the printer not working is the lack of the necessary drivers. You can check this in your computer's Device Manager. If there is an exclamation point in a yellow triangle next to the name of your printer and the words “Unknown device” appear, then you need to download drivers. You can download them from the manufacturer’s official website. After installing the drivers, be sure to reboot the operating system. As you can see, a printer can stop working due to many reasons. It is very likely that one of the reasons listed here is a consequence of your printer not working.
January 11, 2015 2
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  1. qwe45
    2 December 2023 14: 15
    The printer started working properly again, thank you!!
  2. Shaty
    4 December 2023 13: 09
    Unfortunately, it turns out my printer just burned out.