Removing a picture password on Android devices

Снятие графического пароля на устройствах под управлением Android
Modern technologies are very simple and, at the same time, very difficult to understand. We all know how to use calls on our phone, turn on the camera on it, add and delete contacts, access the Internet, but when it comes to things that are done in the device settings, many smartphone owners are simply lost in the abundance of different sliders and buttons. The same thing applies to removing the blocking, which we will talk about now. How to remove screen lock on Android using settings?
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Security.

    Снятие графического пароля на устройствах под управлением Android

  3. Select item Screen Lock.

  4. Click on Cancel (None).

Ready. You will no longer have to enter a password every time you turn on the device.

How to unlock if you forgot your password?

For this case, devices running Android have a hidden “trump card”. The fact is that you can reset your password through the Google service, where you can set a new key.

If your device does not synchronize with Google, then a hardware reset (Hard Reset) will help you 100%. But we cannot say what key combinations activate this hard reset, since different smartphone manufacturers set Hard Reset to different key combinations. Excellent service will help you in this matter., where by entering the smartphone model, the site will kindly inform you about this very combination on this device.

We hope that we have answered the question “how to remove the lock on Android devices?”
August 05, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 31
    I thought the screen lock couldn't be hacked, but it turns out to be a lie.