Forgot your phone password - what to do?

Забыли пароль от телефона - что делать?

Modern smartphones have a huge range of possibilities. You can even set a password for logging into the system. But what to do if you have forgotten this password? This is what we will talk about today. We will consider this issue using Android phones as an example. Graphic keys are very common on such devices. If you have forgotten such a key, then do not immediately panic.

As you remember, after 5 incorrect attempts to enter a password, a certain period of time appears during which the password cannot be entered. At this moment, 2 inscriptions will appear at the very bottom of the screen: "Emergency call" And "Forgot your password". Click on the second inscription and try to recover your password through your Google account. You will succeed if you remember your data from Google account.
Забыли пароль от телефона - что делать?

There are several other ways to recover your password. You can call yourself from another phone and try in conversation mode, go to the phone settings and change the password. But this method does not work in all devices.

To recover the password on your phone, you can do factory reset. You should resort to this method at the very last moment, as in this case some data from the phone may be lost. The process of resetting the settings to factory settings has already been described on our website. This article identifies and describes the main methods for recovering a forgotten password on your phone.
December 15, 2015 3
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  1. Zarina
    13 February 2017 18: 27
    But what should I do if I don’t remember the account, even the number for which it was registered (((
  2. Kait.15
    14 February 2017 08: 11
    Zarina, you can try to reflash the device.
  3. ahhlov
    5 December 2023 00: 46
    you are just my salvation! Thanks a lot! After reading the article, I immediately understood