AMD OverDrive Technology. Key points on overclocking a video card

- Provides the ability to quickly configure and create profiles for each application (game) separately.
- There are settings to adjust the fan speed on the video card and power consumption.
- There are settings for controlling the frequency of the GPU and memory frequency, which can be adjusted very simply with the existing interface.
How to overclock a video card using AMD OverDrive?
Through Global Settings go to tab Global OverDrive Technology.
Here we see several areas with sliders and sensors:
Red area: Sensors that display fan speed, graphics card load, GPU temperature, and amount of memory used.
Blue area: Graphical display of power consumption and used GPU frequency.
Green area: An expanded view of settings for adjusting the operation of the GPU.
You will notice that when making changes in the green area, the parameters in the blue area will also automatically change. Therefore, for greater convenience, we recommend using sliders rather than a graph.
Let's now move directly to the settings themselves. What and how should you do to overclock your video card using OverDrive? Everything here is simple to the point of banality: using the existing settings and sensors, change the parameters a little bit (gradually increase the GPU frequency and memory frequency by several units), while constantly checking the load on the video card and FPS in the game that you are using as a reference to check performance improvements.
After each change, do not forget to press the button apply.
To check FPS, we recommend installing the application Fraps. This program is quite easy to use, and it does not load the system, which allows you to get reliable results on the number of frames per second in a particular game. The results may vary on different video cards. In general, with a slight overclock you can achieve an increase of 3-4 FPS. At the same time, do not forget to check the condition of the video card. If you notice slight hangs in the system after overclocking, then this is a good sign to return the state of the sliders a little back.