Apache OpenOffice: creating a landscape sheet

Apache OpenOffice: создание альбомного листа
If you prefer to use OpenOffice from Apache instead of Microsoft Office and you need to flip the sheet horizontally in this environment, that is, change the page orientation from portrait to landscape, then this short instruction will tell you how to do it. And this is done very simply:
  1. On the top panel, click on the tab Format and from the pop-up menu select Page.

    Apache OpenOffice: создание альбомного листа

  2. Next, find the field Orientation, where remove the mark from portrait orientation and install it on landscape.

Ready. Now the page will be flipped horizontally, as you want.
August 30, 2016 2
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 24
    Open office it turns out you can turn sheets, I didn’t know this before
  2. Tulip
    6 December 2023 21: 57
    And it really couldn’t be easier to do, it will be useful to those who didn’t know.