How to set landscape orientation in a Microsoft Office Word document?

Как в документе Microsoft Office Word сделать альбомную ориентацию?

Which program is most suitable for creating and editing electronic documents? Many will agree that a text editor Microsoft Office package great for these purposes. And in this area, this editor is the most popular due to the fact that it has a large set of functions and an extremely clear interface. But many users have many questions when working with Microsoft Word. Today we will talk about how to make a landscape page in the Microsoft Word text editor. As you remember, when you create a new Microsoft Word document, the pages are in portrait orientation. This type of orientation is the most popular due to the fact that it is used almost everywhere. But if you need make horizontal orientation, then this is not a problem.

The first thing you need to do is go to the "Разметка страницы". It is located in the toolbar, as shown in the screenshot below.

Next you will see the item "Orientation". Click on it and select "Landscape". So you select landscape orientation.
Как в документе Microsoft Office Word сделать альбомную ориентацию?

Eventually, all pages in your Microsoft Word document will be in landscape orientation. As you can see, this is done very quickly. Eventually, all pages in your Microsoft Word document will be in landscape orientation.
December 22, 2015 1
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  1. ahhlov
    5 December 2023 00: 35
    The article explains it very clearly! I made landscape orientation very quickly!