iPhone 5 and Siri

IPhone 5 и Siri
Despite the fact that the IPhone 5 is considered an outdated model, it still enjoys some popularity, and you can often see it in the hands of some users. Moreover, the latest update from Apple is currently available in the settings of this device. This time the company has made quite serious changes to the operating system. Some people liked it, some didn't. As expected, minor changes have been made to Siri. How to use Siri on iPhone 5?

However, in general everything remains as before:
  1. Go to settings and click All.
  2. Next we find the column Crab, activate the function and check the availability of the Internet.
  3. Press and hold the key Home, and your iPhone 5 is ready to listen to you.

With Siri, you can find directions, set an alarm, play music, and even send a message. You can even try to chat with the device on abstract topics, since there is practically no limit to the number of commands, and listing them all will be, at least, difficult. Sometimes a gadget can answer the most tricky question.

Hey Siri feature

If your iPhone 5 is connected to a power source, then you can use it without touching it. It’s enough just to say it up close "Hey Siri", and the usual will appear on the screen again: "How can I help?".

IPhone 5 и Siri

This function is especially convenient when driving a car. You can control the device without being distracted from driving. Moreover, since Apple has done a pretty good job with speech recognition, you don't have to worry that instead of sending a message to your friend, the device will set an alarm for 5 am, i.e. you don’t have any need to be distracted by your smartphone screen again.

Communicate with Siri via headset

The EarPods headset is especially popular not only among iPhone 5 owners, but also among other Apple users. And this is not surprising, because it is comfortable and has a very good sound.

It's no secret that EarPods can help us control our device. Just hold down the center button on the headset and wait for the sound signal - this will be a sign that Siri is ready to listen to you and carry out your commands. This can be especially convenient for people involved in sports. You won't have to take your phone out of your pocket to set a reminder or call your friend.
October 27, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 13
    I didn’t know that you can make siri on iPhone 5, it’s very interesting