3 Ways to Fix “CHKDSK Is Invalid on RAW Disks” Problem

One of the most common problems faced by Windows OS users is the disk partition with the RAW file system. Today we'll take a closer look at how to resolve the "CHKDSK is not valid on RAW drives" issue.
The message “CHKDSK is not valid for RAW disks” indicates that the hard drive partition does not have a format, as a result of which it is not possible to use this partition for data storage. If the hard drive previously worked normally, and then began to display the message “CHKDSK is not valid for RAW disks,” then this may indicate a malfunction in its operation, which could arise as a result of various reasons: improper shutdown of the computer, virus activity, power outages, etc. .d.
Method 1: Try a new run of Check Disk
The first thing you need to do when a similar problem occurs is to run a re-check of the disk for errors on your computer. If the system detects problems based on the scanning results, they will be promptly corrected.
- You can run disk check via the command line. To do this, open the Windows search bar, enter the query "Command line", right-click on the result and select the item in the context menu that appears "Run as administrator".
- In the window that opens, you will need to run the following command:
chkdsk a: /f
Where a: is the RAW drive letter. - Windows will begin checking the disk for errors. The procedure is not quick, so be prepared for the process to last about an hour (possibly longer).
- If the Windows scan finds errors, the system will try to fix them on its own. After this procedure, check the condition of the disk - perhaps its operation has returned to normal.
Please note that if the problem with RAW affects the disk on which the operating system is installed, then Windows, for obvious reasons, will not be able to boot.
In this case, you will need to perform the following kind of procedure:
- Prepare a boot device with the Windows distribution (flash drive or disk), connect it to the computer, setting it as the first boot device in the BIOS.
- Once the Windows Installer window opens, you will need to click on the button "Systemic recovery", after which you can open the command line by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.
- Run the list volume command to see what drive letter the problem disk has.
- Run the command chkdsk a: /f, respectively, substituting your drive letter.
- After checking, the utility can help solve the problem with RAW, after which Windows can boot normally.
Method 2: Format the disk
This method can be rationally used if there is no important information on your disk. This method will completely erase the information, but as a result, with a high degree of probability you will bring the disk back to life.
- To do this, open "Control Panel" and go to the section "Administration".
- A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to double-click on the item "Computer Management".
- On the left side of the new window, click on the button "Management disk". In the right area of the window, find the problem disk, right-click on it and select "Formatirovat".
- If item "Formatirovat" is not available to you, then select instead "Initialize disk".
- When the formatting settings window opens on the screen, you just have to select the desired file system. As a rule, in most cases, users install NTFS.
- If formatting the disk fails, right-click on it and select "Delete volume". Next, right-click again and select this time "Create Simple Volume".
Method 3: Partition recovery using DMDE program
If the information stored on the disk is important to you, then in this case we recommend restoring the partition while saving the information using the DMDE utility. The utility is completely free, and you can download it completely free from the developer’s official website using the link below.
Download the DMDE program https://dmde.ru/
- Launch the program and select the disk with which further work will be carried out.
- If the problematic section is displayed in the window that opens, simply select it with one click and select "Open Volume".
- If this is exactly the disk, then click on the button in the upper left corner "Show sections".
- Make sure the section you want is highlighted, and then click the button in the lower left corner "Restore" and confirm further procedure.
After a moment, the recovery process will be completed and the RAW disk will have a normal file system. There are other ways to resolve the “CHKDSK is not valid for RAW drives” error. If you have a utility in mind that allows you to ideally restore RAW disks, then share it in the comments.