Error: The selected disk has a GPT partition style

Ошибка: выбранный диск имеет стиль разделов GPT

В modern EFI interface Full compatibility with this disc format is provided. However, sometimes the developer prohibits loading the operating system from other partitions or media; currently the system is switching to standard BIOS mode. And in this mode, the BIOS does not recognize the new GPT disk format and displays the error “The selected disk has a GPT partition style.” In fact, overcoming this error is very simple, because all you need is a disk from the operating system. After loading the disk, you need to go to the partition where the BIOS gives this error, and launch the console by pressing the “Shift + F10” keys. After starting the console, you need to run the diskpart utility. This utility is used to work with hard drives.

Later you need to enter the command “list disk", which will display a list of your computer's hard drives. The next step is to select the desired drive using the command "select disk_"(instead of _ you need to specify the number of the desired disk) and select the local disk you need.
Then using the command "clean» erase all files from the selected disk. After these steps, you can convert the disk format. Using the command to convert "convert mbr» the selected disk will change its format.

After successfully completing all these steps, your hard drive will change its format to MBR, which will further allow you install an operating system on it in any way convenient for you. Also using the utility "diskpart"You can create and manage partitions using these commands:

"Create partition primary size = _

creates the main section. "_" is the size in megabytes.

Format fs = ntfs label = "System" quick

quickly format a disk partition into the NTFS file system.


This command makes the selected disk active.
25 March, 2014 2
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 14: 56
    I had the same error on Efi, but the article helped, thank you. 
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 14: 33
    What a short and clear instruction. Now it’s clear who is to blame for this - the developer who prohibited loading the operating system from other media!