How to update Internet Explorer browser

Как обновить браузер Internet Explorer

Any web browser, including Internet Explorer, must be updated. This will not only bring new features, but will also significantly improve the security of the browser. This article will tell you how this procedure can be performed.

Internet Explorer is not the most successful browser implemented by Microsoft, however, it is still the most popular in the world, and this is, of course, due to the fact that it is standard for the Windows OS.

How to update Internet Explorer

  1. To begin installing updates for Internet Explorer, follow the link at the end of the article to the Internet Explorer download page.

  2. You will need to select the version of the operating system used on your computer, after which the system will prompt you to select an installer for a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS.

    Как обновить браузер Internet Explorer

  3. If you do not know the bitness of your operating system installed on your computer, open the window "Control Panel" and go to the section "System".

  4. In the block "System type" you will be able to see the bitness of your OS. It is with this bit depth that you will need to download the distribution kit onto your computer.

  5. After waiting for the distribution to finish downloading, you will need to launch it and install the program on your computer.
As soon as the browser installation is completed, you become the owner of the latest version of Internet Explorer. We hope this short article was useful to you.

Download Internet Explorer for free

Download the latest version of the program from the official website
January 10, 2017 1
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  1. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 10: 33
    Thanks to such a clear article, I updated my browser with ease!