Avast does not install: the main causes of the problem

Antivirus is one of the must-have programs for many users, thanks to which the computer will be as reliably protected as possible from various virus threats. However, what should you do if, having decided to install Avast antivirus on your computer, you are faced with the problem of the impossibility of installing it?
Below we will look at the main reasons that may affect the occurrence of problems with installing Avast antivirus on your computer. By following the recommendations given in the article, you will be able to solve the problem with a high probability and install one of the most reliable antiviruses of our time on your computer.
Reason 1: Antivirus software conflict
Only one antivirus should be installed on a computer. Many users mistakenly believe that by installing two antiviruses on their computer, the degree of protection will increase. In fact, these antiviruses will conflict, weakening the computer’s protection. In some situations, an installed antivirus program may not allow the installation of a competitor on your computer at all, mistaking it for a virus threat.
The problem can only be solved by removing the existing antivirus from the computer and then installing a new one. To remove an antivirus, we recommend that you use not the standard method of uninstalling programs provided in Windows, but a special program called Revo Uninstaller, which will allow you to perform a comprehensive removal of the product from your computer, taking with it absolutely all remaining folders, files and registry entries.
After completing the removal of the antivirus, be sure to restart your computer, after which you can try installing Avast antivirus.
Reason 2: non-working distribution
Try downloading the new Avast distribution, and be sure to download it from the developer’s official website - the download link will be located at the end of the article. After downloading the distribution, try installing the antivirus with it.
Reason 3: viral activity
If there are already viruses in the system, then they may be the reason why an antivirus does not want to be installed on the computer. In this case, you will need to first eliminate virus activity and then install an antivirus, and this can only be done using special scanning utilities that do not require installation on the computer.
One such utility is Dr.Web CureIt is a free tool from a well-known antivirus software developer that is aimed at finding and removing viruses, but does not require installation on your computer.
Please note that the efficiency of system scanning will increase significantly if you perform the scan from Windows Safe Mode. To do this, download the CureIt utility, and then reboot your computer. At the very early stage of its startup, start pressing the key quickly and repeatedly F8 exactly until the operating system startup type menu is displayed on the screen. You will naturally need to select "Safe mode".
When the system starts in safe mode, run scans with the antivirus utility. With such a scan, viruses will be in “hibernation”, which means that the likelihood of finding and eliminating the threat increases.
Reason 4: Windows Firewall Settings
Windows Firewall is a defender built into the operating system that takes over the functions of an antivirus if there is none on the computer.
For some reason, the firewall may consider the antivirus being installed to be a threat and not allow its installation to pass. To check this, try temporarily disabling the firewall.
- To do this, open the “Control Panel” and go to the section "Windows Firewall".
- In the left area of the window, go to the section "Turn Windows Firewall on or off".
- Deactivate the firewall and close the window. After that, try to install the antivirus. In any case, whether the installation succeeded or not, re-enable the firewall so as not to compromise the operating system.

Reason 5: Operating system failure
A failure can occur for various reasons: due to installed software, virus activity, various conflicts. In this case, you should try to fix this failure so that the antivirus installation proceeds correctly.
- First of all, try scanning your operating system for errors. To do this, call the window "Run" keyboard shortcut Win + R and in the window that opens, enter the command "Cmd" (without quotes).
- A command prompt window will appear on your screen, in which you will need to run the following command:
sfc /scannow
- The system will begin scanning the system, which may take quite a long time - be prepared for the fact that the computer must be running all this time. If, at the end of the Windows scan, errors are detected, the operating system will try to fix them on its own. All you have to do after this is try to restart the computer, and then try again to install the antivirus.
- If this does not help, then perhaps you should roll back your computer to a time ago when everything was working properly. To do this, open "Control Panel" and go to the section "Recovery".
- In the next window, open the section "Run System Restore".
- When the available rollback points are displayed on the screen, select the one that corresponds to the period when the computer was working normally and start the restore process.
- When the recovery is complete, check whether Avast can be installed on your computer.
And finally
If no method has been able to solve the problem with installing Avast antivirus on your computer, we can only recommend a radical, but also the most effective method of solving the problem - reinstalling the operating system. As a result of the reinstallation, you will return your computer to normal functioning, and you will also be able to finally install an antivirus.
Download Avast for free
Download the latest version of the program from the official website https://www.avast.ru