How to open mp4

MP4 is the most common video file format. This article will discuss several ways to open such files on a computer.
Opening process
Since the MP4 format is inherent to video files, it can be easily launched and played by almost all multimedia players. In addition, it can be opened without problems by viewers and other types of applications (the selection will include a browser). Let's take a closer look at the instructions for opening this type of file in the most popular applications and even consider one specific option.
Media Player Classic
It's worth starting by describing the steps towards playing MP4 files from the most popular multimedia player - Media Player Classic.
To get started, click on the button "File" and select from the drop-down menu "Quickly open a file". You can also use the combination Ctrl + Q. If you need to open a file normally, use the menu item "Open file" or keys Ctrl + A.

A media file selection window will appear. In this window, select the MP4 file you want to open. Having selected the desired file, click on the button "Open". The MPC then plays the video.

In the second way, we will look at how to open a multimedia file using the KMP player, it is considered one of the most functional.
First, open KMPlayer itself, then click on the player logo image at the top and click on the button "Open files". You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A.

A media file selection window will appear. In this window, select the MP4 file you want to open. Having selected the desired file, click on the button "Open". The MPC then plays the video.

Player VLC
First you need to launch VLC Player. Open the player. And in the top menu you need to select the tab "Media", in which you can then open the file by clicking the item of the same name. You can also use a combination Ctrl + A.

A window pops out "Conductor". Follow the path where the file you need is located. Open it by double clicking.

Light alloy
The fourth, no less functional player is Light Alloy. Let's look at how you can open MP4 in it.
To get started, open the application. It doesn't have a tab "File", so you will have to act differently. In this program, the entire interface is concentrated at the bottom. Click on the button located in the lower left corner. It looks like an ordinary triangle with a line at its base.

Application window opens "Conductor". Browse to the location where the required file is located, and then click "Open" by launching it. The media player will immediately start playing the suggested file.

GOM Player
The fifth application will be Jom Player; using its example, we will look at how to open a file of the required format.
To begin, you need to launch the program and press F2, or click on the program name in the upper left part and select the desired menu item.

A typical dialog box appears immediately "Conductor". Next, you just need to open the directory with the location of the required media file. Next, simply select and open the file as usual.

And now, the file is already starting to play.
jetAudio - this program was originally conceived with the goal of playing music and other audio, but its functionality also includes viewing video file formats, so the video in it will also open very easily and without problems.
This application must be launched. Click on the button "Show Media Center", this button is the very first in a cascade of 4. This button turns on the media player mode in Jet.

Next you need to right-click on the empty space on the right side of the application interface. Then choose "Add Files" and select the same thing in the submenu.

Then you need to open the directory with the location of the required media file. Select the video and click "Open". You can select multiple videos. To do this, use the key held down Ctrl and select the required files with a mouse click.

The file you selected should appear in the playlist in the application. To start playing, you need to double-click on it using LMB.

Opera Browser
Now the method is quite strange. It is connected with the fact that modern browsers are able to play video files located directly on the user’s computer. An example of one of these would be Opera.

First, open the browser itself. However, it should be taken into account that Opera is deprived of an adequate graphical interface that could help play files of the required format, so you will have to limit yourself to hotkeys. Use a universal combination Ctrl + A. It will open the familiar dialog box. You must select the location where the required file is located. Click the button "Open", thereby starting playback.

If at the moment there is no full-fledged media player, or there is simply no desire to launch it to familiarize yourself with the file, then you can use a browser-based solution, but there is one caveat - the quality of the displayed video will be lower than if you opened it in a media player.
XnView program
The third type of program in the collection that can play MP4 media files is file viewers. For example, a representative of this kind of program is XnView, which was originally intended for viewing images, but not video because some problems may arise during video playback.
The first thing you need to do is run the program. Next click the button "File"by selecting the item in the drop-down menu "Open". Or use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A.

A classic file directory selection window will open, where you must select a folder, and then the file itself that needs to be played. Click on the file and then on "Open", or double-click to launch. That's it, your file is running and can be viewed.

As with browsers, there is one important nuance with viewers. Both browsers and viewers are unable to play MP4 files in good quality, and we can’t expect any more convenient control interfaces. That's why viewers are losing out to full-fledged players.
Universal viewer
The second viewer is capable of recording and displaying these video files. But it is distinguished by its versatility; it does not focus specifically on one type of media file - it reproduces everything. The application is called Universal Viewer.
Open Universal Viewer. Click on the familiar button "File", and there you will find the desired item with the name "Open".

And everyone’s favorite media selection window will open again, where you need to select the location of the required mp4 file, and then select it. Press the button "Open".

The launch and display of the file has begun. Like other viewers, the functionality of this program regarding these files is far from great, but it is more than enough for normal viewing.
Windows Media Player
The Windows system itself assumes the presence of a media player that perfectly displays and plays files of the required format. The player is simply called Media Player. To use it, you do not need to use any additional programs.
First of all, launch the program.

Here, like the Opera browser, there are a number of nuances that are associated with opening a file. Media Player does not have any explicit file launching interface. Because of this, you will have to drag the video into the program yourself. And it's easy to do.
Open “Explorer”, find your file and, holding the left mouse button, drag the video file into the area of the program, which will be called “Move elements here...”.

This way you activate video playback directly in the built-in shell of the operating system.
In general, a lot of player applications have been developed that open this popular format. It will be said with complete accuracy that every modern player can play mp4. They undoubtedly have differences, for example, in functions, design, and additional features, but the overall differences are imperceptible - they do the same thing. As has already been found out, Windows also already has its own standard solution for opening files of this type. It turns out that downloading third-party programs in general is not necessary.
In addition, for such an unpretentious format, even full-fledged players are not needed; you can do without them. This is where browsers and various viewers come to the rescue, and even if they have some limitations, such an alternative still exists. But we still recommend resorting to these options for the initial study of the file, and not in depth. That is, we do not recommend watching movies in a viewer.