How to open MDF file

MDF is a disk image file. Most often, various computer games are found in this format. In order to open this format, a special virtual drive is required. In this article we will take a detailed look at the programs that can be used to open this format.
First utility: Alcohol 120%
The predominant number of MDF files are created using Alcohol 120%, which means they can be opened with this program. The utility is paid, but it has a huge number of useful functions. It is worth noting that there is a free demo version of the program.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Revealing "File" and click "Open".
- In a new window, find your MDS file and open it. It's worth noting that MDS and MDF are related formats, so don't be alarmed if only MDS is in Explorer.
- The selected file appears in the work area. Open its context menu and click "Mount to device".
- A new window has appeared, with which you can easily open a file of this format.
Second utility: DAEMON Tools Lite
This is another multifunctional utility that allows you to open MDF files.
- Open "Images" and click on the plus sign.
- Go to the folder with the required file and open it.
- Select the file in the work area and click "Mount". It is worth noting that you can open a file using the button "Quick Mount".
Third utility: UltraISO
This is less functional, but at the same time very convenient program.
Step-by-step instruction:
- I'm shchyolkaem "File", and then "Open".
- Find the source file and open it.
- All files of this image are displayed in the program window. You can open them by double-clicking with the left mouse button.
Fourth utility: PowerISO
This is a good utility that has an intuitive interface and a basic number of functions.
- Click as standard "File", and then "Open".
- Explorer has opened, in which you need to find a file of this format and open it.
- As in the previous utility, here all the image files are displayed in the working window of the program. Each file can also be opened by double-clicking LMB. Using the button "Extract" you can transfer files to your desktop. Ready!