SMSS.EXE – what is it

SMSS.EXE – что это

In this article, we will take a closer look at the phenomenon of the SMSS.EXE process and find out whether it is dangerous for the operating system.

General information about the process

First, let's find this process in itself. "Task Manager". Open the dispatcher using the combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete, go to "Processes"and then click “Display processes of all users”.

SMSS.EXE – что это

A complete list appeared with absolutely all processes, including SMSS.EXE.


True SMSS.EXE is considered a completely safe process, without which the correct operation of the OS is impossible. The process itself has a name like "Windows Session Manager".

This process is responsible for launching WINLOGON.EXE and CSRSS.EXE when the operating system starts. These two processes are necessary for the system to start correctly.

Once SMSS.EXE has completed all its startup duties it will run in "Session Manager", but at the same time use a minimum amount of resources. It is worth noting that if you close this process, an error will occur in the operating system.

Other important tasks of SMSS.EXE include the following:
  • Run CHKDSK.

  • Uninstalling files and moving them.

  • Initializing environment variables.

  • Loading some libraries.


Now we’ll find out where the SMSS.EXE file is located.

  1. Open "Task Manager", we press "Processes" and display all processes.

  2. Right-click on SMSS.EXE and select “Open file storage location”.

  3. Opened "Conductor" in the very place where the required process is located. We look at the address bar and find out the path: C: \ Windows \ System32


A huge number of different viruses can pretend to be our process. The main “symptoms” indicating the presence of malware:
  • Another file location address, different from what we found out earlier.

  • В "Task Manager" There are several such processes at once. It is worth understanding that such a process can only happen in a single copy.

  • In a component "User" open "Task Manager" there is an inscription different from "System".

  • Our process uses a huge amount of system resources. Sometimes this sign does not indicate a virus, but the presence of some software glitches.

If you experience one of the above “symptoms”, then you need to do the following:
  1. First, you need to scan your computer with some antivirus. It is best to use an anti-virus utility that is not installed on the computer, since the existing one will most likely miss malicious files and will not be able to eliminate them. If the program finds viruses, they must be removed using the interface prompts.

  2. If the antivirus does not bring the desired results, and the process itself is located at the wrong address, then it makes sense to uninstall it yourself. We complete the process in "Task Manager", go to the directory where the file is located, right-click on it and select "Delete". Confirm deletion by pressing the button "OK". Done!

It is worth understanding that you need to delete this process from the folder only if it is not located in the true path. Now you know what the SMSS.EXE process is, where it is located, what it is responsible for and how to remove it.
19 March, 2018 3
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  1. Stason
    5 December 2023 22: 56
    I always wondered what this file was, now I’ll know
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 14: 06
    I realized that my computer science knowledge ends a little earlier, but I enjoyed reading this