Which program to open a PDF file

Almost every user constantly works with various electronic documents and illustrations. To quickly move files between devices, many people use the PDF format. To read the extension on your device, you need to install a special program.
Selecting a program to open PDF
PDF is a common format for storing electronic documents. The main advantage of this extension is its versatility. Users can save any information in PDF, and when opened on other gadgets, the original formatting will not be lost. Let's look at which program is best for viewing PDF files on your computer or smartphone.
Adobe Acrobat
Interestingly, the PDF format was developed by Adobe, so the best program for viewing such files is Adobe Acrobat. There are several modifications of such software - Acrobat Reader and Acrobat Pro.
Acrobat Reader is designed to work with a document in read-only mode. The program is distributed free of charge. If you're content with simply opening a PDF to view from time to time, check out this cross-platform app. It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS, Android or iOS.
Acrobat Pro is a professional paid version of software for working with PDF files. New users are given 30 days of free use of the software.

The main advantage of the application is the ability to automatically recognize document text and edit it. Users can also create bookmarks, search for specific parts of a document, add notes directly to PDF sheets, highlight important sections of text with markers, and combine multiple files into one.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC from the official website https://get.adobe.com/ru/reader/otherversions/
Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC from the official website https://acrobat.adobe.com/ru/ru/free-trial-download.html
Microsoft Word
If you need to quickly view the contents of a PDF file without installing additional software, we recommend opening the document using Microsoft Word. This program is used by most Windows users.

The only negative is that before opening, Word automatically converts the document into text form, rather than opening previously saved sheets. Formatting errors are less than 1%, so you'll be able to edit your document without purchasing Acrobat Pro. After making changes in MS Word settings, you need to resave the file as PDF.
Download Microsoft Word from the official website https://products.office.com/ru-ru/word
Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader is another small but popular program for working with PDF documents. With its interface and set of functions, the software resembles Word and Adobe Acrobat.

In the application, you can create bookmarks for free, add author comments to pages, highlight text, and create signatures. Foxit also has a document protection option, with which you can set a file access password.
Download Foxit Reader from the official website https://www.foxitsoftware.com/ru/pdf-reader/
Web browsers
You can open PDF for viewing using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Mozilla Firefox browsers. Follow the instructions:
- To view the contents of a file, just right-click on it and click on in the list of actions "To open with".
- Select your browser name from the drop-down list.
- The document will open as a new program tab. From this window you can search the content or print the file.