How to change the processor on a computer

Sooner or later, every personal computer owner is faced with a lack of computing power. Whether it’s a long time to open programs, problems when working with them, or the eternal state of a window - “Not responding”. Often this problem can be solved by replacing key system components, such as the processor, with more powerful and modern solutions.
Step-by-step replacement of the processor in a PC
Let's say that the processor has already been purchased, but how can you replace it? What to do and where to start? There is no need to be afraid of the unknown, since this operation is performed quite simply and the same on any computer with minimal differences. In short, you need to remove the cooling system, replace the processor in the socket (socket), and install the cooling back. We will consider an example using Intel processors and a motherboard for them.
Step 1: Removing the Cooling System
First, it’s worth understanding that for cooling radiators of Intel and AMD processors there is one main type of fastening, and both of them can be removed as easily as possible.
In the case of Intel, these are four rotary latches:

Actually, we turn them all the way and then slightly pull each one up to free the grooves.
For AMD, this is a clamping lever, by lifting which you will instantly loosen the fastening rod.

After removing the fasteners, do not forget to turn off the power to the fan on the motherboard, and then simply remove the heatsink.

Внимание! Если после открытия защелок радиатор не снимается с материнской платы, проверьте крепления еще раз. Если вы убеждены, что все было сделано правильно, но охлаждение по-прежнему не поддается, стоит нагреть радиатор домашним феном периодически подталкивая его в стороны. Через пару минут таких процедур устройство поддастся и без проблем снимется. Не тяните радиатор вверх дабы избежать повреждения процессора!
On the processor and radiator you will remove traces of old thermal paste, which must be removed with a napkin or a piece of unnecessary dry cloth.

Step 2: Replace the processor
There is a small lever on the socket, which you need to slightly bend to the side, lift it all the way and (in the case of Intel) open the steel clamp, after which you can easily remove the old processor.
For Intel it looks like this:

AMD has this:

Внимание! У процессоров фирмы AMD присутствуют распаянные ножки, и дыбы их не погнуть сразу же уберите его в безопасное место.
We pick up a new processor. To determine the correct position of the device in the connector, we use the hints left by the manufacturers. That is, on a motherboard designed to install AMD processors, you need to combine the keys shown both on the motherboard socket and on one of the corners of the device.

In the case of Intel, we combine the grooves made on both sides in the processor with the keys located inside the motherboard socket.

Attention! Lower the processor into the socket evenly and carefully. Do not move it around the socket to avoid damaging the components.
Step 3: Apply Thermal Paste
We moisten a piece of clean, dry cloth with alcohol and wipe the surface of the processor, degreasing it. Then apply thermal paste in a small amount to the center.

Then we smear it over the surface of the processor with a finger wrapped in cellophane or an unnecessary plastic card. The main thing is that the layer is more or less homogeneous.

Внимание! Слишком много термопасты могут ухудшить теплообмен между центральным процессором и радиатором охлаждения.
Stage 4: Installation of the cooling system
Take the heatsink in your hands and, taking aim, place it evenly on the processor, then insert the latches into the slots and close them (in the case of Intel) or clamp them with a lever on the plate (AMD). Don't forget to reconnect the fan power supply.
All! The motherboard with the new processor is ready for use.