CPU overheating - what to do?

Перегрев процессора - что делать?

Each computer component performs its specific role. But perhaps the processor can be called the “brain” of a computer. It is with its help that information that is in the memory of a computer and other devices is processed. And if any problems arise with the processor, this will affect the entire computer as a whole. Very often there is a problem with the processor overheating. What to do if your computer’s processor starts to get very hot or even overheat? First, let's try to understand the reasons for processor overheating.

If you go back a little, you can remember that due to overheating, the processor simply burned out. Today, many computers have a built-in overheating warning system on the processor. That is, if the processor starts to overheat, this the system will forcefully shut down the computer. Therefore, the most common accompanying processor overheating is the spontaneous shutdown of the computer.

It’s worth noting right away that the processor always heats up. This is logical, since voltage is applied to it. But the operating temperature of the processor should not be confused with its overheating. Normal CPU heating temperature can range from 35 to 55 degrees. If the temperature is higher than the extreme limit of this interval, then the processor is overheating.

Moreover, if the processor overheats, the computer will not always turn off on its own. Very often at such moments he begins to slow down. This will immediately become noticeable, as the data processing speed will decrease significantly.

So, if your processor gets very hot, and the computer spontaneously reboots, then the overheating problem is most likely related to the computer’s cooling system. In this case, you need to perform a number of actions.

First of all, in this situation you should clean your entire computer from dust. Dust accumulated over a long period of time may be one of the reasons for overheating of the processor. After this, you need to inspect the cooling system. In most cases, the problem will be a lack of thermal paste. It's also possible that the cooler cable may have become disconnected and it simply isn't working. It is likely that there is a problem with the cooler itself.

If the above problems are detected, they need to be eliminated. If you don’t have thermal paste, you need to apply it to the necessary areas of the processor. Here we should not forget that thermal paste is applied in a thin, even layer. If the problem is in the cable, then simply connect it to the cooler. Well, if the cooler in the cooling system does not work, then it is best to purchase a new one.

By the way, there may be such a situation: the processor overheats, but everything is fine with the cooling system. That is, everything is cleaned of dust, thermal paste is applied, the cooler is working. In this case, the fact is that your computer’s cooler is not doing its job. In other words, it is simply not capable of cooling your computer's processor. If this is your situation, then buy a more powerful cooler. Luckily they are not that expensive. You can also install an additional cooler on your desktop computer.

You need to monitor the temperature of your processor regularly. You don't have to do this every day, but once a month is worth it. To do this, you can use the Speccy utility, which can be downloaded from this site. It displays all the data on your computer, among which you can find information about your processor, including its temperature. It can be seen that there are not so many reasons for processor overheating. And all these reasons can be eliminated yourself.

Download Speccy for free

Download the program from the official website
January 31, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 19: 30
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