Flash drive won't format

Флешка не форматируется

First of all.

It is necessary to find the cause of the media malfunction. Most often, you may encounter one of these errors:

- Logical error, which occurs when formatting is started. This error is caused by problems in the file system (specifically: query tables.). If such an error occurs, you don’t have to worry about the data on the flash drive. Even if they disappear, they can be easily “recreated” using special utility programs.

- Damage associated with “physical” defects. For example, the housing, conductor, etc. are damaged. Recovering data from such a flash drive is also easy, but only if the media itself is not damaged.

- Impact of Electromagnetic waves. Unfortunately, if the flash drive has been damaged by such “waves”, then you can simply throw it away.

- The connector is faulty. Usually it is simply clogged, if after cleaning the performance is not restored, then it should be replaced.

- The operation algorithm is broken or the storage device’s memory is damaged. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use programs: FlashNul, CompactFlash, etc. Secondly.
After “familiarizing yourself” with this list, you should begin the formatting process itself.

The overwhelming number of users in our country, and throughout the world, use installed Windows. So, if you get an error when you normally try to format the media, then try again, but in “low-level” formatting mode. Since when you use it, utility programs will be automatically turned on, which will solve possible problems associated with disk or file system layout.

But before starting this type of formatting, you should try to insert the flash card into the slot several times, again. Since many models have very weak contact, as a result the card may not be formatted. But if none of the above helps, then the only method of saving information is to create a copy from a flash drive, using special software that can create a USB FlashDrive (that is, an image of the information stored on the card.). Thanks to this, you can save all the necessary information and then completely format the media.
April 19, 2014 2
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 16: 59
    Only the last method using the program helped me, so my flash drive is more dead than alive. 
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 14: 54
    Thanks for the tip. The FlashNul program helped me, apparently there really was something wrong with the memory of the flash drive. I hope everything is completely fixed.