Kak sozdat uchetnuyu zapis Microsoft

Как создать учетную запись Майкрософт

When you sign in to your device or computer with a Microsoft account, you can download any apps from the Windows Store. The post appeared first on OS Windows 8, also create a backup copy of all files or data using free storage, and of course, synchronize and update everything you need - photos, games, devices, contacts, music and so on.

Using a user account makes it easier for multiple people to work on the same computer. Any user will be able to have a personal account with personal settings, for example, a screen saver or desktop background. The account determines which folders or files a given user has access to and what changes they can make to the computer. For many users, they use completely normal Microsoft accounts. Registering a Microsoft Account
1. Should go v lyubom browser to the Microsoft account registration page.
2. To use your personal email address as a Microsoft record, enter it in the registration line. If your email providers support the POPXNUMX protocol, you can manage your old or Hotmail address. Or create a new email on Hotmail. To do this, just go to the registration page.
3. Fill out all your information, and then read the agreement with Microsoft about the statement, confidentiality and provision of services. To continue registration, click the “I accept” button. During registration, an already existing email address is used; this address must be verified in order to confirm that it is really yours. For more details, see the sections “Why do you need to confirm email addresses?”.
January 11, 2014 2
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  1. tanya
    31 August 2014 08: 47
    What email to write in Microsoft registration
  2. Shaty
    2 December 2023 13: 37
    Ng, what should I do if I neither Outlook nor wanted to? How to register an account?