Open xls file online

Открыть файл xls онлайн

Prices, graphs, digital data, reports, lists can often be found in the Microsoft Excel file included in Microsoft Office suite. This program is convenient for working with numbers, and it is widespread, which guarantees its presence on almost every computer. This means that every user can use the data stored in the file.

To open a file with the xls extension on a computer without Microsoft Office, you must use the SkyDrive online service.

The service requires user registration. If you already have Microsoft account, then you can use it.

How to open an Excel file online:

- Go to the website to register for the SkyDrive service.

Открыть файл xls онлайн

- Create a Microsoft account.

- Log in to the email you provided during registration and confirm your account.

– After that, log in to SkyDrive, indicating your email and password.

- The user’s personal account will open with a standard set of folders: “Documents”, “Images”, “General”.

- Now we transfer the file from a flash drive or other media. To do this, click the “Add” button in the top panel of the service, and then select a file from the specified location.

- The file will appear on the service desktop.

- For convenience, we will immediately move it to the “Documents” folder.

- Now let's see what can be done with the document. We right-click on it and see all possible actions.

- To open the file online, select “Open in Excel online.” This will open another browser tab and the file will be available for viewing and editing.

SkyDrive lets you open, edit, and store a variety of Microsoft Office files and images.

Open xls file online

Go to the SkyDrive online service

January 03, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 12: 55
    It's pretty confusing. You also need to create an account. Maybe there are easier ways?