How to remove a program from autorun

Как убрать из автозапуска программу

Most programs add a shortcut to the tray when they autostart (on the taskbar, where the clock is). Even if programs do not create an icon in the tray, you can guess that something is loading automatically based on certain signs. For example, the system began to take longer to load and work slowly, and some programs start instantly, that is, part of them is already loaded and is constantly in the system, consuming computer resources. You can see in the “Task Manager” all the processes running in the system; to launch it, click hotkey combination “CTRL+ALT+DEL.
How to remove unnecessary programs from startup? There are many ways, let's consider those that do not require additional programs.

1. We remove programs using the settings of the programs themselves. In the program settings item, uncheck the “Run with Windows” checkbox. Using the settings of most popular programs, you can exclude them from autorun.
But there are programs that do not create a tray icon and behave completely unnoticed, taking up system resources. To disable them we use the second method.

2. Removing programs using the System Settings utility. To run it, select “Run” from the Start menu. In the window that opens, type msconfig and press “Enter”. There are several tabs in the window that appears; you only need “Services” and “Startup”. Be careful, and if you don’t understand what a service or program is for, it’s better to find out its purpose. It is better not to change anything in other tabs.

In the “Startup” tab there is a list of auto-loading programs, you can also see where the program is located. To exclude a program from autorun, you need to uncheck the box next to it and click the “Apply” or “OK” button.

The “Services” tab contains programs launched by the system, regardless of which user you log into the system. Disabling them is done in the same way.

It is worth noting that you should disable a service or program only if you are 100% sure that it is inappropriate. For example, antivirus software run as services, and if you turn them off, they will not work. When removing services or programs from startup, do not turn everything off at once. It is better to disable one thing, restart the computer, make sure that the system is stable, and only then disable the next one. After changes in “System Settings”, for them to take effect need to reboot. Now, by launching the “Task Manager”, make sure that the disabled services and programs are not running.
January 02, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    1 December 2023 17: 29
    My system was loading like crazy (as it turned out) and I wouldn’t have thought of it if I hadn’t read the article now. Everything ingenious is simple.
  2. qwe45
    2 December 2023 13: 33
    The computer stopped being stupid when I removed a lot of unnecessary startups!