How to strengthen Yota signal

Как усилить сигнал Yota

The quality of the signal depends on many factors, including terrain, location, and distance from base stations. You can improve the quality of the Internet using special equipment that will strengthen the signal and make its level stable.

Antennas are today the most reliable and convenient means for achieving a high-quality Yota signal. Experts recommend using external antennas that support modern wireless 4G and LTE technologies. Such antennas are capable of significantly amplifying the signal; in areas where the quality of coverage is poor, the level and stability of reception will be sufficient for convenient use of communications; in places where there is no signal, the probability of its appearance increases several times.

The approach to choosing an external antenna is individual; you need to know the level of the available signal in order to select the required type and power of the amplifying device. The best range for increasing the signal will be 20-25 dB of antenna amplification power.

Specialized amplifiers and antennas will help achieve optimal signal values, even if the nearest base station is located at a considerable distance from the point where it is necessary to establish reliable wireless Internet reception from Yota.

Sometimes the Yota signal can be strengthened by placing the modem outside, because indoors the signal level may be insufficient, as the walls will interfere.

There are special devices on sale for working outdoors; they combine both a modem and an amplifying antenna.

The easiest way to boost Yota signal, which will not require an investment of money, since there is no need to purchase expensive equipment - buying a usb extension cable. Its cost is affordable for everyone, but it will be possible to achieve good results in signal amplification. This method will be effective only if the base stations are located at a slight distance.

There are various methods of “home” signal amplification, but it is not advisable to use them, since you may not get the effect, and the modem and other equipment have a chance of breaking down. When choosing a method to amplify or achieve stable signal reception, you should take into account the existing level of values, location, relief and terrain features, as well as the desired level of amplification. It is best to seek advice and consultation from specialists before starting work, who will select the most suitable router option, based on the specific situation and terrain conditions.
January 13, 2014 3
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  1. Valentine
    14 August 2014 22: 38
    Completely useless, empty article. Some general words.
  2. Nastya
    20 November 2023 23: 40
    It helped me to use signal boosters. 
  3. Shaty
    2 December 2023 13: 42
    Somehow it seems to me that a USB extension cable will not help me, but I will try.