How to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router

Как усилить сигнал Wi-Fi роутера

You can strengthen the router signal using several methods, thanks to which you can achieve good Internet speed even in the farthest corners of your home. First, you need to figure out why the router can produce a very weak signal. What is the reason for the router's weak signal?
Almost included every modern router There is a standard antenna that is capable of sending a signal over a distance of up to 25 meters. However, there are a huge number of factors around us that have a detrimental effect on connection speed and signal quality. These can be objects that are made of metal and are located in close proximity to the device. An important factor is the installation location of the router.

Most often, the router is located very close to an outlet that contains other electrical appliances. Everyone knows that wires can create strong interference, which adversely affects the operation of many devices, including the router. It is best to install it as high as possible. This installation will increase the network coverage radius.

Now let's move on to the ways in which you can strengthen the router's signal.
It is best to install the router closer to the center of the room, which helps to achieve more or less uniform coverage in all rooms of the room.
Do not install the device on the floor, especially near electrical outlets or metal appliances. All these factors can greatly jam the signal, and the quality of the network will drop sharply.

The most effective way may be to replace the antenna with one that has higher power. It is best to purchase an antenna that can transmit a signal in only one direction. Antennas are usually easy to replace, it takes no more than a couple of minutes.

If you wish, you can upgrade the antenna yourself. The easiest way is to use cardboard, foil and glue. The foil should be glued to the cardboard, then folded into a parabola. Now you can install it on your device. We direct the resulting design to the room in which the Internet is most often used.

There is a more radical method, which is to replace the network adapter directly in the computer itself. Sometimes it happens that the whole problem lies precisely in it.

Installing a repeater can also help, which can significantly increase the signal radius from the router.

Sometimes the problem of a bad signal is the router's channel. Remember how changing the frequency on a radio can significantly improve sound quality. In the router everything is exactly the same: by changing the channel, for example, from 1 to 9, you can achieve a significant improvement in signal quality. Channels change in device web interface. You can find information in the instructions.

Some routers start working better after updating the firmware. Current firmware and instructions can be found on the manufacturer’s website, the main thing is to know the model, but there shouldn’t be any special problems with this. Thus, you should not immediately get upset because of the router’s weak signal, but it is best to try the simple methods described above.
January 12, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    2 December 2023 13: 40
    So I ran into this problem. The router signal is kind of weak and doesn’t reach the kitchen.