How to withdraw money from Qiwi wallet

Как снять деньги Киви кошелька

Как вывести деньги on a bank card
First, let's talk about how funds are withdrawn to a bank card. First you need to log in in any of your browsers to your own profile, and there in the center of the main page there is a “Withdraw” button. By clicking on this button, you will be taken to a page where withdrawal methods are listed. You only need to select the appropriate card option (Visa or MasterCard), immediately after choosing you will see brief information about the payment. The size of the commission for withdrawal of funds depends on which bank issued the card and an additional 2% of the withdrawn amount. Once you have chosen your card option, you need to select your bank. For example, if you have a card issued by Sberbank, then a window will open in which you enter the card number, as well as the expiration date. You will also need to choose where you will withdraw money from. It could be QIWI wallet or your phone balance, and enter the amount to be withdrawn. In addition, there is a field where you can leave a comment and it will appear in the reports.

After this, all you have to do is click the “Pay” button and wait for the SMS with a one-time code. Check all the information again. and then enter the received code with which you confirm the withdrawal of money. Now all that remains is to wait for the money to arrive on the card. It all depends on the bank. and also on what day of the week you performed this operation.

Another way to withdraw funds from a QIWI wallet
As a rule, there are 2 main directions for withdrawing money from QIWI: to a bank card and by money transfer. The first direction has already been discussed above, now a few words about the second.

It is not always possible to transfer money to a card, but you still need to withdraw it somehow. In such cases, you can arrange a money transfer in your name. In other words, you indicate yourself as the recipient of the transfer, and then all you have to do is go to the bank to get your money.

For example, in Russia and the CIS countries the CONTACT translation is often used. You won’t have to wait long, because the money can be withdrawn from the bank just 15 minutes after the transfer is completed, and the commission is 2,5%, but there is one condition: it must be at least 50 rubles.

You can also use Anelik and Unisream systems for withdrawal, but when choosing a payment system, you need to clarify which banks it works with. This information can be found on official websites. In addition, you can order yourself a QIWI plastic card. Then all your money that goes to your QIWI wallet no longer needs to be withdrawn anywhere. With this card, you simply go to the store and pay with it, and there are no fees. If you withdraw money from an ATM, then there is already a commission and it is 2% and another 50 rubles.
January 04, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    1 December 2023 20: 22
    Yes, now this procedure has severe restrictions, to our common regret. Remove the kiwi limits, demons!
  2. despot
    3 December 2023 21: 18
    you saved me, I finally withdrew money from Qiwi, thank you!