Webmoney wallet registration

Регистрация кошелька Webmoney

Probably the most popular means for storing electronic money are wallets from the WebMoney system. WebMoney is an electronic payment system. To start using this system, you need to register your wallet in it. At first glance, this activity is very problematic, but believe me, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to have a little time and follow the instructions below. First of all, you will need to go v lyubom browser to the website of this electronic payment system. It is located at the address After this, you will be taken to the main page of this service. Here you will need to select the "Register", which is located in the upper right corner. A window will open in which you will need to enter your valid mobile phone number and press the "Continue".

After entering your phone number, you become a new user of the WebMoney service. All new users are automatically offered WM Keeper Mini. What is it? This is one of the types of wallets in this electronic payment system. There are a total of 4 such wallets in the system.

This is WM Keeper Mini, WM Keeper Classic, WM Keeper Light and WM Keeper Mobile. It is worth noting that for starters (and for subsequent operations) the WMKeeperMini wallet will be enough for you. Briefly speaking about other wallets, WMKeeperClassic is intended for more advanced users and it only works on Windows OS through a special program. WMKeeperLight is also designed for advanced users, and it works in many modern browsers that support certificates. Well, WM Keeper Mobile is designed for mobile devices.

Once you become a user of the WebMoney service, you will need to go through a further registration procedure. Here you will need to provide your personal information, as well as your email address. You only need to provide reliable information so that there are no problems with withdrawing money in the future.

After all this, you will need to confirm the specified data and go to the email address you provided during registration. An email will be sent to you with a verification code. It will need to be copied into the email address verification window. After successfully verifying your email address, a verification code will also be sent to your specified phone number. It will need to be entered into the mobile phone verification window. After this, you need to press the "Continue".

This completes the registration procedure for the WebMoney service. You will be taken to a page where you will need to enter your username and password to enter the site. Here in the field"Login"You will need to enter your specified email address, WMID or specified phone number. Then you need to enter your password, the code from the picture, and then click on the button"Sign In".
Регистрация кошелька Webmoney

Now the last thing left is to create your own wallet. Look for the inscription "Wallets: no, but can be created". Click on this item and go to the wallet selection menu. There will be a bunch of different wallets here, but for starters you will have enough wallets for Russian rubles, for American dollars and for euros. If you need other wallets in the future, then in the tab "Purses"you will need to click on the item"Create" and you can select and add a new e-wallet.
This completes the wallet registration process. As you can see, the registration process is not that complicated. The main thing is to stock up on time and patience.
January 08, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 12: 49
    I've heard about this wallet for a long time. It's time to register)