WebcamMax to expand your webcam capabilities

WebcamMax для расширения возможностей веб-камеры

The program has about 1000 different frames, texts, photo effects and floating pictures that will make communication more colorful and fun. Some of the effects have a special capture system. This allows them to automatically attach to a specific part of the body and follow it around the frame throughout the video call. It is worth noting that WebcamMax goes well with any programs for recording or communicating via the Internet, for example, this includes Skype or Whatsapp. The program's simple interface allows you to quickly select the desired decoration and add it to the image. There are also built-in utilities for taking pictures and recording videos. Ability to work with  shortcut keys  will make turning effects on and off quick and convenient.

Among the features of WebcamMax it is worth highlighting:

•Ability to work together with any programs that use a webcam in their work.

•Availability of a huge range of effects. At the same time, if you do not find a suitable frame or effect, you can supplement the program database by downloading them from the program’s official website.

•Ability to add floating text to the video.

•The function of quickly switching between modes of transmitting or recording “live” images and broadcasting pre-prepared video.

•Availability of tools that allow you to independently create original effects.

•Ability to use WebcamMax with several programs at once.

•The presence of a system in the program for changing the background.

It is worth noting that this program is distributed in both paid and free forms.

The free version has a number of limitations:

•Trial mode only works for 30 days.

•There is a special icon in the image indicating that WebcamMax was used to edit the video. WebcamMax allows you not only to create interesting images with effects, but also to fully express your creativity.

WebcamMax to expand your webcam capabilities

Download WebcamMax from the official website
June 05, 2014 2
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  1. krus1971
    April 4 2022 16: 40
    Even after deleting the program itself and further CLEANING THE REGISTER from traces of this program, video surveillance programs installed MUCH LATER (everything, blah, EVERYTHING, Karl!!!) even several years later continued to display the WebcamMax video stream as a real camera.. Naturally - a stupid black screen. .
    In order to completely remove the intestine that interferes with the normal operation of the camera, you need to go to the DEVICE MANAGER, select the line SOUND, GAME AND VIDEO DEVICES and find WEBCAMMAX there. And delete it to hell. After which you will have to restart your computer.
    After rebooting, the camera will start working normally.
    Info from here -
  2. Shaty
    2 December 2023 16: 14
    I liked WebcamMax. Wide range of possibilities and a lot of functions.