Hotkeys in Windows

Горячие клавиши в Windows

The same key can be used for multiple commands thanks to so-called “modifiers” that change the action. These include Ctrl, Alt, Shift and Win (which shows the Windows icon).

All keyboard shortcuts can be divided into local, global for a specific program, and global for the operating system.

Local shortcuts are active in a program only if its window is active. Global shortcuts for a program are valid for a running program, regardless of whether its window is active or not. Global keyboard shortcuts for the operating system work in the OS from any window. Many programs give the user the ability to customize their hotkeys for various actions. Below is a table of standard local and global keyboard shortcuts used in Microsoft operating systems.

Ctrl + Shift + EscAllows you to open the Task Manager program
Win + FAllows you to expand the file search window
PrintscreenAllows you to copy a screenshot to the buffer
Alt + PrintscreenAllows you to copy to clipboard active app snapshot
Ctrl + AUsing them you can select all objects or text
Ctrl + CCopy to clipboard object or text
Ctrl + VPaste copied text or object from the clipboard
Ctrl + BMake text bold in Microsoft Word and a number of other programs
Ctrl + IMake text italic in Microsoft Word and a number of other programs
Ctrl + UMake text underlined in Microsoft Word and a number of other programs
Ctrl + NIn most programs - create a new document
Ctrl + OIn most programs - open a new document
Ctrl + SAllows you to save the current document
Ctrl + FIn most programs - open the search dialog
Ctrl + HOpen replace dialog
Ctrl + PIn most programs - send the current document to print
Ctrl + ZUndo last action
Ctrl + YRedoing the last undone action
Alt + EnterIn video players and some other programs, allows you to switch to full screen mode and back
Ctrl + Home Allows you to move to the beginning of the active document
Ctrl + End Allows you to move to the end of the active document
F2Rename a selected file
Shift + DeletePermanently deleting the selected object without moving it to the trash
F5Refresh window running browser
Alt + TabMove between running applications
Alt + F4Closing the currently active application
Ctrl + F4Closing the currently active document in the program
There are other hotkeys, but almost all of them are narrow in their application, and the ones listed above can be used in a variety of programs, sometimes even regardless of the system used.
January 04, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    1 December 2023 20: 20
    I knew the standard copy combinations, but this is the first time I’ve seen Ctrl + A. But it could have saved me months of highlighting text...