The Odnoklassniki website was blocked at work, how to bypass the administrator?

Заблокировали сайт «Одноклассники» на работе, как обойти администратора?

Information progress requires that every office worker's workplace be equipped with a computer connected to the global INTERNET network. But the employer is interested in high productivity and does not want employees to use the computer for their own personal purposes, forgetting about work. The opportunity to distract from everyday work by communicating with friends attracts every employee, because it’s so nice to spend a little time looking at new photos of loved ones, leaving a few comments, liking an entry in the news feed and sharing it with friends. For these reasons, administrators block access to the most visited network resources. But for every action there is a reaction. And visiting the most popular Odnoklassniki network has become available.

If, when you enter links to your browser in the address bar your work account in Odnoklassniki, the following message appears on the screen: error, access denied, this means that the resource is blocked by the administrator.

There are several ways to still get to the site:

- setting up the Internet on your smartphone, connecting to the network through a corporate computer. Now mobile network operators offer a wide selection of loyal tariffs for surfing the Internet; you can also connect your smartphone via a USB port to your computer and always be in touch with friends. The obvious disadvantage of this method is the small screen and the inability to listen to music and watch video files;

- usage anonymizers . This method will help you access the Odnoklassniki website using special chameleon sites. They change your IP address, which, as a rule, is used by the company administrator to block the social network. Each social network has its own anonymizer; by selecting the one you need, you can easily use all the functions of the site: watch videos, listen to music, participate in discussions, give ratings, upload new photos. At the same time, in the address bar  browser you will not see the inscription “odnoklassniki”, there will be the address of a chameleon site into which the Odnoklassniki site is embedded. This way, the administrator will not be able to figure out your online activities;

- installation of a special program that will automatically redirect to a chameleon site when you log into your social network account. But such a bypass could easily become public knowledge during the first scheduled inspection of your computer by an administrator. When using an anonymizer, you should beware of scammers who require you to send an expensive SMS to activate the service. Use free, proven resources, you can find out about them on the forums.

Verified login to Odnoklassniki via anonymizer

Chameleon anonymizer here
June 08, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    2 December 2023 16: 19
    Is it possible to use an anonymizer to deceive the administrator’s network settings? We should try it, it's interesting. 
  2. ahhlov
    2 December 2023 20: 37
    everything worked out the first time! Thanks a lot