Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox?

Numerous bookmarks in Mozilla FireFox browser do not appear in one day. To make working on a computer comfortable, users spend a lot of time organizing useful sites in bookmarks. It's no secret that any work performed on a PC is somehow connected with the Internet. Therefore, knowing where all the profile bookmark data is located is vital if you urgently need reinstall the system or browser. The FireFox browser uses the profiling method in its work - creating a user profile when the program is first launched. The profile is named “Default”. It is stored in a special folder called “Application Data”.
Different operating systems have their own profile storage path. Let's consider them for Windows, Windows 7/Vista, Linux.

Accessing the profiles folder in Windows:

Где хранятся закладки в Mozilla Firefox

The folder is located on drive “C” if the program installation was standard and its path was not changed.

The username refers to the name you use on the Windows system.

The profile name looks like a set of letters and numbers.default.

bookmarks.html is the file in which all bookmarks are stored.

When reinstalling the system or browser, you need to copy the file to a flash drive and after reinstalling, drop it into the folder with the new profile.

Accessing the profiles folder in Windows 7/Vista:

On this system, you need to copy the entire profile folder, not a single file with tabs.

Accessing the profiles folder in Linux:

To automatically save all profile data for various FireFox products, there is a program called MozBackup.
June 20, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    2 December 2023 18: 18
    It's crazy that the bookmarks have a long location. All I have to do is figure out what I should do with this information now) I’ll go delete them.
  2. GodyVody
    4 December 2023 21: 27
    I haven’t figured it out yet, but they say the app is very good