Download BarTender 10.1

The program provides the opportunity for all users to create and print labels, cards, barcodes and QR codes, as well as RFID tags. It comes as a separate program with additions to the graphic editor.


The program is actually universal and can create markings on packages and individual parts, encrypt smart cards, create signs, and so on.

More features

BarTender, in addition to the above, is equipped with network printing, the ability to place created documents on a local network and open shared access to files. Everything is confidential and the Seagull Scientific developers have taken care of the security of transmitted personal data.


Simple and convenient design made in the program. Great for businesses and offices whose employees constantly work with product labeling. Easily integrates with InterDriver Windows Intermec drivers.

All users of our site will be able to download this program from official sources without a virus or other utilities.


Download for x32 bit system

Download for x64 bit system

November 09, 2023 13
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  1. Rina777
    18 November 2023 12: 06
    BarTender 10.1 remains an indispensable tool for designing and printing labels with barcodes and RFID tags, featuring stability and extensive functionality for businesses of all sizes
  2. Julia
    18 November 2023 23: 10
    If you don't like your font or don't have enough emoji, then this cool program is very useful for you
  3. Just4tw
    19 November 2023 11: 11
    An interesting application for working with barcodes. The main thing is that there is nothing superfluous. 
  4. Shohijahon Qurbonov
    20 November 2023 07: 16
    Thank you for such a convenient application, it really helps me in my daily life
  5. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 12: 22
    Good afternoon The application is very helpful in working with barcodes! Thank you
  6. Stason
    4 December 2023 00: 14
     BarTender, made cards in this program
  7. Tulip
    4 December 2023 16: 57
    I really liked the application, it is useful for business
  8. Ivan
    4 December 2023 22: 25
    With this program it is very convenient to create and print cards, qr codes and labels. Useful program for me.
  9. Diz1k
    4 December 2023 23: 12
    Quite a nice-looking application, it does everything quickly and efficiently 
  10. desspire
    5 December 2023 03: 08
    Program for designing and printing labels. Thanks for the professional features and ease of use.
  11. Basketball
    5 December 2023 15: 06
    I made a lot of cards and capes, it’s the right app, I recommend it! 
  12. despot
    5 December 2023 16: 27
    very convenient, thanks to freeprograms for this program