Google Chrome - your profile could not be loaded correctly

Google Chrome - не удалось корректно загрузить ваш профиль

Don't panic if you get the error "Your profile could not be loaded correctly." And reinstall Google Chrome I don’t recommend it either, nothing will change anyway. So what to do, you ask. There is a way out, even several of them.

Method one
Close your browser. Next we have to go to the User Data folder. It is located in the following path:
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\

Then go to the Default folder and delete Web Data there. Ready. Method two
This method is based on the first. We go to the same folder as in the first case. Having entered it, we look for a folder called Default. Rename this folder, for example, to Default2. Now open the Chrome browser and a new Default folder will be created immediately. We move all data, with the exception of Web Data, to this folder from the Default2 folder we renamed. And all that remains is to delete the Default2 folder. Now our error will not appear. And if it starts to appear again, you should do this operation again.

Method Three
We delete the user through the settings. To do this, go to the Google Chrome settings. To access them, you need to click on the icon with three stripes, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser, and find the Settings item in the drop-down menu. There we look for the Users item and just below there is a Delete user function. Click it and the error should disappear. Here you should indicate that by deleting a user, you will disable automatic login to Google services. If you are not satisfied with this method or it does not help, then just go again log in to your Google account in the browser settings.

This error occurs as a result of a malfunction of Google accounts. Therefore, all of the above operations are aimed at deleting data from the user’s computer. There's no need to worry that you're deleting them forever. Their backup copy is stored on the Google server. Therefore, when you log into your account again, they will be automatically downloaded and installed.
12th September, 2013 9
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  1. zakrevskogo99
    April 3 2014 22: 00
    The mail page is loaded automatically from the nickname you used to log in for the first time,

    load another profile and log out of the first one - I don’t see how!! Tell me how to log in under a different account?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards, Vasily
  2. bobloss
    April 3 2014 22: 27
    Vasily, go to and look for the “Exit” item at the top right. I find it if I click on my image (since I'm registered with G+). It may be different for you, but it is in this place.

    Once you log out, you can log into another profile.

    If you use Google Chrome, then click on the browser menu in the upper right and go to the item "Logged in as ...". And then you'll figure it out.
  3. Marina
    1 July 2014 00: 36
    Thank you. I installed this browser several times, and there was always this error. Now I will know what to do during installation.
  4. Nastya
    18 November 2023 10: 36
    The article helped to load the profile correctly, everything works fine, without glitches or crashes. 
  5. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 11: 29
    A well-named article for those whose profile does not load. 
  6. Shaty
    1 December 2023 13: 14
    It’s good that they wrote down exactly the line where to go to the chrome settings, otherwise I would have never found it myself.

  7. ahhlov
    1 December 2023 22: 40
    everything is clear and written in detail. everything worked out! Thank you
  8. ahhlov
    2 December 2023 19: 36
    Good evening, the article is very informative and interesting! Thank you
  9. YanRing
    3 December 2023 21: 26
    Thank you for the article. They helped me correct this error, everything was clear and understandable. Everything works great now.