How to solve the "updates are disabled by your administrator" error in Google Chrome browser?

Let us repeat once again that there are quite a lot of browsers today. One of the most popular browsers is Google Chrome. Users love it for its simplicity, speed and convenience. But it also has errors of various kinds. Today we will talk about the following problem: "Updates are disabled by the Google Chrome administrator." What to do in this situation? As usual, you should try reinstalling the browser itself. In some cases, this fairly simple procedure helps resolve this error. But if this does not help, then you should go another way. It is necessary to disable the administrative policy of the Google Chrome browser. This policy is responsible for automatically updating the browser.
This is done as follows. First, launch the Windows Registry Editor. Go to "Start", here we are looking for the item "Run"and we write in it"regedit". The "Run" menu can be called hotkey combination "Win + R".
In the registry we look for the address "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Google \ Update". And in it we delete the key "UpdateAutomate" with a value of zero. All this is shown in the screenshot below.